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Flagyl generic reviews and testimonials

  • HS
    Hubert Stevenson
    Verified review

    Gradually, I see improvements. In the morning I notice dark urine, it turns out this is a rare side effect. If the antibiotic works as before, I'm willing to bear this temporary discomfort.

  • AM
    Andreas Mathieu
    Verified review

    Bought Flagyl 200 mg tablets I couldn't find in other online pharmacies

  • MT
    Morty Terry
    Verified review

    Hello to everyone. I'm the most sensitive guy when it comes to antibiotics. I took a lot of Flagyl (2400 mg per day) and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED! My recommendations: don't drink alcohol, cut out sugar and follow all directions.

  • NL
    Niles Lewin
    Verified review

    I ordered 2 packages of Flagyl. It is a very good pharmacy, the staff is pleasant, it can't be better

  • PN
    Paolo Napoli
    Verified review

    Good price and fast delivery, recommend!

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