Cialis Black reviews and testimonials
BSBlake SeaborneVerified review
My favorite medicine for the last few years. It helps me to feel sure I can get and keep erection at any time after just one pill. The effect doesn't disappear on the second day. I am able to get a hard, long-lasting erection even after 20 hours after I swallowed the pill. Also, I am pretty satisfied about the side effects. Felt little anxiety about dizziness in the first week, but it did not recur in the subsequent time. My heart, blood vessels, head, kidneys and liver do not experience problems after I use Cialis.
KHKyle HirschVerified review
Was kinda skeptical after tons of positive reviews that I got about Cialis Black from my friends. It was hard to believe I could increase dosage from 50 mg to 80mg. But after a detailed study that we made together with my doctor, the conclusion was promising - my body is tolerant to bigger concentrations of tadalafil. Now I use Cialis Black on a weekly basis. This medicine really helps me to organize my sex life.
SMSam MelldewVerified review
Must have for men of my age. Helps me to get and keep an erection whenever I need it. Adore that day when I agreed to use Cialis for the first time. Now these pills are a part of my life. After 50 I married again and I am very glad that I can enjoy sex as in my student days.