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Champix generic reviews and testimonials

  • FT
    Freeman Terrazas
    Verified review

    This year I turned 40. Health concerns made me suddenly stop smoking. Then I started smoking again, but there was an obsessive thought that I needed to end this. I decided to try a 3-month Champix treatment. I've been taking 1 mg tablets for two months and I stopped smoking at the 3rd week. I didn’t have to face a strong nicotine withdrawal, so I didn’t give up.

  • WV
    Walker Victor
    Verified review

    I smoked for 15 years, and for the past few years, I've been smoking just over 1 pack a day on average. As soon as I woke up in the morning, the first thought was about a cigarette, I smoked at least 2 cigarettes within half an hour. During the day I did NOTHING without cigarettes. My doctor suggested Champix to me, I said I'd think about it. At first, I was skeptical, then I thought: "Nothing bad will happen to you if you try Champix." So, I took 1 mg tablets for 3 months and stopped smoking completely. I'm happy to say that I have not smoked for two months without pills, and I feel great.

  • JC
    Joyce Colson
    Verified review

    It took me 2 attempts. I took Champix for 24 weeks and eventually I succeeded.

  • PH
    Peyton Herman
    Verified review

    I took Champix for 12 weeks, stopped smoking in the first month. When I decided to stop smoking, I had 2 cigarettes left, I carried them with me everywhere. I knew I could smoke one if the urge got too strong. Every time a desire arose, I asked myself: “Which do I want more, smoke or stop smoking.” My opinion: Champix only works if you REALLY want to stop smoking, I wanted and did it.

  • SB
    Sjarel Belmont
    Verified review

    The best remedy at the moment, 100 % effective. I smoked one pack a day and one and a half on weekends for 15 years. From the 13th day of taking Champix, I reduced the number of cigarettes I smoked to 11, and after the 3rd week to 5 cigarettes a day. Now I don't smoke and I don't want to. I'm very satisfied. I hope my story inspires others to do the same. Good luck!

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